Thinking about Investing? 3 Reasons to Do Some Financial Planning First

12 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Investing your hard-earned money is a great way to make a significant amount of passive income, but if you aren't careful, you could make mistakes that cost you. Here are three fantastic reasons to think about doing some financial planning before you start investing. 1. Understand Your Assets and Liabilities Every person has a list of assets and liabilities, whether you have a home and a car or you are concerned about some lingering debts. Read More 

Three Reasons Why You Should Hire An Independent Broker-Dealer Rather Than The Alternatives

5 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

In the investment world, you can hire an investment broker-dealer who works for a full-service or discount firm, or you can hire an independent broker-dealer. The independent broker-dealer has multiple advantages over the other two types of broker-dealers who work for different firms. Here are three reasons why you should hire the independent broker-dealer over the other two alternatives.  "Full-Service" Is Lacking A "full service" broker-dealer firm does not have nearly all of the investment options that an independent agent does. Read More