Thinking about Investing? 3 Reasons to Do Some Financial Planning First

12 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Investing your hard-earned money is a great way to make a significant amount of passive income, but if you aren't careful, you could make mistakes that cost you. Here are three fantastic reasons to think about doing some financial planning before you start investing.

1. Understand Your Assets and Liabilities

Every person has a list of assets and liabilities, whether you have a home and a car or you are concerned about some lingering debts. One of the biggest perks of working with a financial advisor is understanding more about your own financial situation, and taking steps to resolve anything that needs to be addressed. By having a better picture of what you have and what you could lose, your financial advisor can offer you a good idea of what you could spend investing, what kind of financial shape you might be in if you come across problems, and how to minimize as much risk as possible. 

2. Create a Short-Term and Long-Term Plan

Investing involves both short-term and long-term paths, with things like stock options trading offering quick results, and long-term investing yielding great dividends over the course of many years. Whether you want to place your money into the market and leave it or use your assets to leverage spectacular gains day trading, it pays to have a plan in place. When you work with an experienced financial planner, they can talk with you about both plans and help you to create a balanced portfolio that will yield great results. 

3. Learn About Investing Options 

There are all kinds of different, unique ways to invest, and understanding your options is crucial. From putting your money into real estate or treasury bonds, you need to think about where you want your money, how long you could leave it there, and what might happen if those industries are impacted. For instance, if you are concerned about the local economic impact on businesses from COVID-19, you may want to put your money into gold or long-term savings bonds to keep it safe from the fluctuations normal businesses can experience. By making smart moves early on, you can prevent issues down the road. 

Remember, only work with financial planners who have a longstanding history of success, and who are committed to genuinely helping you to get into a better financial spot down the road. Make sure they understand your goals and meet with them regularly to check in on your progress.